Tuesday 15 March 2016

Rainforest phase success at Ipswich School inaugural maths competition

We sent 4 children from Years 5 and 6 to an inaugural maths competition at Ipswich School. We are delighted to say that the children came 3rd out of 10 schools. Mr Gooding felt that it was a very good experience for the team. They really had to think! Well done!

Comments from our mathematicians:

"It was challenging. There was a relay race. You had to answer a question then give a question to the other half of your team. The speed, the questions, and the pressure made it really tough."

 "It was interesting even though it was tough."

"We felt happy with third although would have liked to have come first. It was definitely the relay that cost us.  We hadn't done anything like that before." 

"There was a fraction question - we had two answers and we chose the wrong answer."

"We were close. We don't know the final score but we are confident that we were very close." 

"There was a logic round that we did pretty well in." 

"We did best in the crossword round. Though some of our team members thought  it wasn't the most interesting round."

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