Friday 29 July 2016

To the new Ocean Phase (old giraffes, lions, turtles and octopus classes)

As you know your son/ daughter has now met their new teacher. We would really like to plan ahead for next term so we are giving you lots of warning about something that is happening on Friday 16th September 2016. In English we will start an author study concerned with the work of Roald Dahl. During this week Roald Dahl would have been celebrating his 100th birthday.  We would like the children to dress up as a character from one of his many books. Ocean Phase will be taken over by a whole host of mischief-making Big Friendly Giants, Oompa-Loompas and Matildas!

It’s all part of The Dahlicious Dress Up Day, where children come to Ocean Phase dressed as their favourite Roald Dahl character for a wonderfully fun and creative way to raise money for Roald Dahl’s Marvellous-Children’s Charity. The charity exists to make life better for seriously ill children and young people around the UK. We’d love your child to join in, and we have lots of marvellous educational activities planned for them!

It’s simply a suggested donation of at least £1 per pupil and you’ll help Ocean Phase to raise money for specialist children’s nurses and other marvellous things like support for families living in poverty while caring for seriously ill child.

It’s very easy to get involved – simply help your child choose a character, create a costume and remember to send them in with their donation on the day. Your child can dress up as any of Roald Dahl’s fantastic characters, or simply wear his favourite colour – yummy yellow!

We look forward to a great term of engagement and enjoyment.

The Ocean Phase Team.
Mrs Wylie, Mrs Webb, Miss Garnham, Miss Wilden and Miss Burton

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