Monday 18 July 2016

The grand opening of the time capsules...

In the first week of September 2015, pupils across the whole school answered the following questions:
  1. Improvements they would like to make.
  2. They drew a picture of a typical meal they eat and thought about how they could make this even healthier.
  3. What exercise they did in a week and how they could improve this.
  4. What they could do for the planet over this academic year.
  5. Their ambitions for the future and what they want to be when they are older.
  6. Important events they were looking forward to this year.
  7. Physical facts about themselves - their height, shoe size etc,
  8. They describe themselves in three words.

Each class then placed their answers inside a time capsule. We opened these up again on Friday 15th July. The progress the children had made across the school was fantastic! Lots of children commented on how much neater their handwriting is now and how their spelling had improved! In Reception they drew self-portraits and compared these to the ones they drew back in September - difference was amazing! The children can now take their time capsule work home, to share the progress they have made with their families and friends.

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