Friday 29 July 2016

To the new Ocean Phase (old giraffes, lions, turtles and octopus classes)

As you know your son/ daughter has now met their new teacher. We would really like to plan ahead for next term so we are giving you lots of warning about something that is happening on Friday 16th September 2016. In English we will start an author study concerned with the work of Roald Dahl. During this week Roald Dahl would have been celebrating his 100th birthday.  We would like the children to dress up as a character from one of his many books. Ocean Phase will be taken over by a whole host of mischief-making Big Friendly Giants, Oompa-Loompas and Matildas!

It’s all part of The Dahlicious Dress Up Day, where children come to Ocean Phase dressed as their favourite Roald Dahl character for a wonderfully fun and creative way to raise money for Roald Dahl’s Marvellous-Children’s Charity. The charity exists to make life better for seriously ill children and young people around the UK. We’d love your child to join in, and we have lots of marvellous educational activities planned for them!

It’s simply a suggested donation of at least £1 per pupil and you’ll help Ocean Phase to raise money for specialist children’s nurses and other marvellous things like support for families living in poverty while caring for seriously ill child.

It’s very easy to get involved – simply help your child choose a character, create a costume and remember to send them in with their donation on the day. Your child can dress up as any of Roald Dahl’s fantastic characters, or simply wear his favourite colour – yummy yellow!

We look forward to a great term of engagement and enjoyment.

The Ocean Phase Team.
Mrs Wylie, Mrs Webb, Miss Garnham, Miss Wilden and Miss Burton

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Sunflowers attend the final assembly of the school year

This term Eco club engaged the whole school in the race to grow the tallest sunflower. This was taken very seriously with some being sung to by the class, moved around in the sunshine during the day and taken home for weekends of pampering. The Before School Club were the winners for the tallest sunflower with Elephant class having the first to flower. The sunflowers will now be planted by the Eco club in the school's 'front garden'.

Phase 4 vs staff netball

Well done to the phase 4 vs staff netball team players. Better luck next time pupils! Happy summer, everyone.

Thank you to parents for your kind messages and gifts to staff

Tuesday 19 July 2016


If you have previously applied for a school place for the academic year 2015/2016 and still wish to be considered for a place in 2016/2017 you will need to reapply. Form ADM1 can be obtained from the school office or from .

Monday 18 July 2016

Nursery Lion King dancers

Nursery were treated to a performance of the Lion King dance by four of their class members last week. We were very impressed with their co-ordination and lovely dancing!

The grand opening of the time capsules...

In the first week of September 2015, pupils across the whole school answered the following questions:
  1. Improvements they would like to make.
  2. They drew a picture of a typical meal they eat and thought about how they could make this even healthier.
  3. What exercise they did in a week and how they could improve this.
  4. What they could do for the planet over this academic year.
  5. Their ambitions for the future and what they want to be when they are older.
  6. Important events they were looking forward to this year.
  7. Physical facts about themselves - their height, shoe size etc,
  8. They describe themselves in three words.

Each class then placed their answers inside a time capsule. We opened these up again on Friday 15th July. The progress the children had made across the school was fantastic! Lots of children commented on how much neater their handwriting is now and how their spelling had improved! In Reception they drew self-portraits and compared these to the ones they drew back in September - difference was amazing! The children can now take their time capsule work home, to share the progress they have made with their families and friends.

Friday 15 July 2016

Reception trip to the cinema

Reception children enjoyed a trip to the cinema and a picnic on the waterfront this week. The children impressed us all with their sensible and safe walking - well done Reception!

Alice in wonderland thank you cake

On the Year 6 Alice in Wonderland scheme, a parent generously gave an Alice in Wonderland themed cake as a thank you to St. Helen's staff. What perfect timing on the last Friday afternoon of term!

"Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which the words "EAT ME" were beautifully marked in currants. "Well, I'll eat it," said Alice, "and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door: so either way I'll get into the garden, and I don't care which happens!" (Wonderland 1.22)
― Lewis CarrollAlice in Wonderland

Thursday 14 July 2016

Tree frogs coding

Tree Frogs have been coding using Alice 3D today. Coding is a real strength within the school and Year 6 have many skills and much enthusiasm to take with them as they leave us to go on to secondary school.

Pupil-led learning in action!

Year 6 children working collaboratively on their own slideshow.

Reception Sports Day

Reception had a fantastic sports afternoon at Goals on Monday. The weather was kind and the children had lots of fun. A big thank you to all the parents and carers who made the afternoon so special.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Turtle class have had a visit from Miss Wright today!

They have been creating small worlds and using their imaginations to turn the world into a creative story. We have had some crazy flying pigs, goat ghosts and colossal mountain ranges!

Mini beast themed Nursery share day

Nursery enjoyed a mini-beast themed share together last Wednesday.  We made bee masks and flowers, decorated bee cakes, played in the sticky honey which was full of bugs.  We also had the chance to have a minibeast face painting which the children really enjoyed.  Thank you to parents who came, the children loved sharing their day with you.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Turtles create complex characters

Turtles have been creating their own characters this morning. They chose an object, a friend and an evocative smell to create a complex character! We then had some amazing hot seating! Some very creative ideas! Well done, Turtles!

Friday 8 July 2016

Spaces available for music tuition, starting September.

Year 5 flute, Year 6 guitar and Years 4 to 6 violin or cello, trombone or trumpet. Please email Mrs Rees at to request more details and register interest.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Phase 4 Flower Power!

Phase 4 decided that with a lot of bad things in the world we would like to share some nice things. It's nice to be nice.
The flowers handed out were kindly provided by Robertson's Florists.

Year 4 exploration exercise!

Mr Southgate has abandoned the Rainforest Phase for the afternoon to find out more about year 4!