Saturday 20 July 2019

Reflections of my Time

At the end of the school year, we ask Year 6 to reflect on their time at St. Helen's.  This reflection from one of our year 6 boys has caused a tide of pride across the school. We do not always notice the effects we have on others, but this has affected us. Thank you C.
'In nursery, I did not speak.  I did not have many friends and I chose to stay quiet. The only thing I did was hum ‘Ten in the Bed.’  Yet, this term, I took a lead role as Pumbaa in ‘The Lion King’. This journey has been possible because of all my teachers who believed in me, like Mr Wale, who encouraged me to try drama in year 2, Miss Wyard who was an excellent storyteller and Mrs Merchant who helped me with my SHARE Tedtalk and allowed me to choose to work with a partner to boost my confidence.  At ‘The Lion King’ auditions, I had lots of support from my friends. So, because of the St Helen’s family, my courage is huge. There’s no stopping Pumbaa now!'

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