Friday 25 November 2016

Have you thought about volunteering as a School Governor?

Do you have skills to bring to the world of education?

Ipswich Primary Academies Trust is looking to recruit governors to our excellent primary schools in Ipswich - St Helen’s Primary, Whitton Primary and The Oaks Primary.  

You will need to have a real interest in the communities that are served by our schools and a desire to see children succeed.  We are particularly looking for people who have a passion for education and learning and also have expertise to bring in one of the following areas:  finance, HR, property, communications, IT, ……..

Our Governors report to the Trust Board and provide “support and challenge” to our school leaders.  They meet as a group at least once a term to understand how the school is performing and are expected to take an active and involved part in at least one aspect of school life.  For example, a governor with finance expertise would meet with the Headteacher and School Business Manager regularly to support financial decision making and ensure value for money.  Equally a governor with expertise in IT might visit the school on a regular basis to support the development of the computing curriculum.  

At least two places on the governing body of each school are allocated to parents of children in the school.  Skills audits are undertaken annually.  

When a vacancy becomes available it is advertised within the local community, to staff and to parents.  Interviews are held and appointments are made on the basis of the skillsets that are needed by the school.  Appointments are made by the Headteacher and Executive Principal with approval from the Trust Board.  

Governors perform the most important voluntary role in education…. If you would like to make a difference to one of our schools and feel you have something to offer please contact We welcome applications from all members of the community and will undertake full safeguarding checks prior to appointment.   This is a voluntary post, reasonable expenses can be claimed.  

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