Thursday 30 June 2016

St.Helen's children meet the Kenyan High Commissioner at the Kenya Embassy

For ten lucky children, it was the opportunity of a lifetime when they met the Kenyan High Commissioner at the Kenya Embassy in London today. The visit was the finale of a year long project studying how children live and are educated in Kenya and all things Kenyan. The school also raised money for Kenyan causes as part of our charitable donations this year. Year 5 children were invited to apply for a trip place by writing persuasive letters as to why they should meet the High Commissioner.
The children shared their work with the High Commissioner and chatted about their learning. Three girls were also selected to sing the national anthem for the High Commissioner led by Mrs Margaret Lesuuda, the Second Counsellor for Education who visited St. Helen's at the start of the programme. A small group of children from St. Gregory's and Melton Schools also attended the event and shared their work.
Thank you to the Kenya High Commissioner for making the children so welcome and enabling this amazing experience.

 Doing the Dab with Percy the Pig at Spitalfields

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