Friday 27 May 2016

Year 4 investigate...

Year 4 have been using different materials to investigate which would work best for protecting their ears. 

Eco club study owls

Eco club students watched a live webcam of a barn owl on chicks, whist learning about its food chain. 

Reception: People and communications

Whilst working on the topic 'Understanding the world - people and communications' we were impressed to learn that one pupil could find the school using the ipod. He then explained how his mum had tracked Santa using her iPad- very impressive!

Residential: Thursday update

After successful room inspections, the group went off to learn about the plague and sacrifice in Eyam. The challenge of the day was tackling Mam Tor which the children did with energy and enthusiasm. A fun evening was spent launching their rockets.

Thursday 26 May 2016

June is National Share-a-Story Month

June is National Share-a-Story-Month and their theme has been ‘A Place for Stories’.  The idea is to encourage the telling and sharing of stories in unusual (but safe) places.  Anywhere from under a tree to in the depths of a castle, on a bridge or under a bridge, under the bed, in the depths of a forest, a tent, at the bottom of the garden, in a bird hide, on an island or on a park bench…the ideas are endless.

Year 3 become Bible detectives

Year 3 have been looking at some parables taught by Jesus to his followers. They discussed what the parables tell Christians about the kingdom of God. Lots of deep thinking and explanations were shared.

Residential: Wednesday update

Manchester! A cold but exciting day was spent in Manchester with visits to both the Science and Industry museum and The Imperial War Museum. Rain definitely didn't stop play with the evening being spent making rockets, playing board games and postcard writing.

Cold war knowledge for a cold day

Smelling exhibits - pie proved popular

Pooh sticks!

Philosophy club update

Our latest club session discussed whether we have free will. We concluded that all our decisions have a cause and are therefore determined, however we do have a selection of choices to choose from.  The way to increase our options is to increase our knowledge and experience e.g. learn more.

Next term we will tackle Rights and Responsibilities.

Rambashi the pirate turned up in story time today...

We love a bit of Phillip Pullman!

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Money really does grow on trees!

Children on the residential trip made a remarkable discovery whilst geocaching yesterday; money really does grow on trees! The group spent a wonderful day enjoying the outdoors which led into an evening of outdoor games before bed.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Year 3 recorder recital

Year 3 children performed their own song to a traditional tune and pop goes the weasel. The children amazed us with their ability to play from memory without music and the parents learnt the words very quickly to join in. It was wonderful to see so many parents attend - thank you.

Residential: Tuesday update

Today the children were up early enjoying a hearty breakfast before heading off for a cable car trip and a tour of a mining cavern. Next stop geocaching in Dovedale.

And they're off!...

An excited group of children (and staff!) set off on the residential trip yesterday. First stop was Cambridge where the children took the opportunity to picnic and punt before arriving in Derbyshire early evening.

Monday 23 May 2016

The Caterpillar scene from Alice in Wonderland...

...with sock puppetry!

Year 6 Blodin the Beast

Year 6 threw themselves into interpreting Blodin the Beast in drama and the results were extremely impressive. 

Turtle class maths treasure hunt

Turtle class enjoyed a maths treasure hunt on Friday. They are learning a particularly tricky division method at the moment. Each group had the whole method sliced up into different pieces and hidden. They needed to hunt for the correct pieces and lay out the method in a way which made sense. They only got a point once they could prove to Miss Wyard that the method was complete by using lots of reasoning skills! It was great to hear lots of mathematical vocabulary being used. Lots of great team work too! Well done, Turtles!

Thursday 19 May 2016

Phase 4 netball team train for competition

Good luck, children!

Boat building in Reception

Reception children have each been making their own boats using classroom resources. They were fascinated to try their creations in water and see them actually floating.

Monday 16 May 2016

Phase 4 chimp sketching competition

A huge well done to all children who entered their chimp drawings last week. Here are the final four, one of which will be appearing on the cover of our final pupil reports. You will agree that it is a wonderful effort from our children.

Local artist visits Nursery

Hannah Wright, a local artist, visited nursery to show the children how she draws and paints. The children had an interesting and absorbing time using the watercolours.

Reception dinosaurs

One little girl from Reception took over as teacher during an art session and taught the children how to draw a dinosaur with impressive results!

Friday 13 May 2016

Alice in Wonderland auditions

Well done to all these Mad Hatters for auditioning today!

'The Gruffalo' inspires Nursery artists!

Nursery children have been drawing The Gruffalo this week and the results have been amazing!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Thank you from Year 6

Thank you to all children, from Nursery to Year 5, for being so very quiet and considerate around our three test rooms. Not a peep was heard while Year 6 have been completing their SATs!  

Reception and Nursery's special guests

Reception and Nursery had some very special visitors from The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary today. The children were visited by an owl and a buzzard and found out many interesting facts such as that the barn owl can hear all of our heart beats when in the same room. The children asked lots of questions and were fascinated to be up close to the birds.