Monday 19 December 2016

Year 6 kites

Comparing the finished product to the design.

Friday 16 December 2016

Eco club's up-cycled pots

Eco club have put their up-cycled pots to use by planting their own herbs!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Chameleon plasticine animation

Chameleon Class have been working hard on their plasticine animation this afternoon. It took precise movements, team work and lots of patience.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Phase 2 nativity

Phase 2 performed their hearts out for the first performance of the Nativity this morning! We hoped you enjoyed the show!

Monday 12 December 2016

Quadrilateral and angle kite building in Year 6

In year 6, we have been designing and making kites, putting our knowledge of quadrilaterals and angles to the test.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Year 4 yoga experts

Today, Year 4 continued to use their yoga expertise to create their own yoga story!

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Today, Year 4 investigated lines of symmetry

Year 6 explore verb forms through the medium of basketball

Great fun!

Ocean Phase Share

Last week, Ocean Phase had our end of term share! Our theme this share day was celebrating the many different cultures we have in our amazing school. Those that attended got to enjoy some Zumba, multicultural cuisine, the cultural carousel and some fantastic art!
The turn out was great and fun was had by many!

Friday 2 December 2016

Can you name these shapes?

Year 5 have been constructing 3D shapes. Can you name them?

Thursday 1 December 2016

PHSE in Year 6 - anti bullying collages

One simple message: Record it. Report it. Do not support it!

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Year 4 'Three Little Pigs' yoga

Year 4 have been practicing their skills in yoga the past couple of weeks. Today, they started to design their own sequence of yoga poses to the story of The Three Little Pigs!

Friday 25 November 2016

Come and join us to find out more about our proposed Free School

IPAT Academy Ipswich

Thursday 1st December 2:30 - 6:30pm
St. Helen's Primary School Ipswich

All welcome

Have you thought about volunteering as a School Governor?

Do you have skills to bring to the world of education?

Ipswich Primary Academies Trust is looking to recruit governors to our excellent primary schools in Ipswich - St Helen’s Primary, Whitton Primary and The Oaks Primary.  

You will need to have a real interest in the communities that are served by our schools and a desire to see children succeed.  We are particularly looking for people who have a passion for education and learning and also have expertise to bring in one of the following areas:  finance, HR, property, communications, IT, ……..

Our Governors report to the Trust Board and provide “support and challenge” to our school leaders.  They meet as a group at least once a term to understand how the school is performing and are expected to take an active and involved part in at least one aspect of school life.  For example, a governor with finance expertise would meet with the Headteacher and School Business Manager regularly to support financial decision making and ensure value for money.  Equally a governor with expertise in IT might visit the school on a regular basis to support the development of the computing curriculum.  

At least two places on the governing body of each school are allocated to parents of children in the school.  Skills audits are undertaken annually.  

When a vacancy becomes available it is advertised within the local community, to staff and to parents.  Interviews are held and appointments are made on the basis of the skillsets that are needed by the school.  Appointments are made by the Headteacher and Executive Principal with approval from the Trust Board.  

Governors perform the most important voluntary role in education…. If you would like to make a difference to one of our schools and feel you have something to offer please contact We welcome applications from all members of the community and will undertake full safeguarding checks prior to appointment.   This is a voluntary post, reasonable expenses can be claimed.  

Eco/farm club decorated old plant pots to give them a new lease of life

 They will soon be displayed around school.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Rainforest SHARE day at Christchurch Mansion

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our fabulous SHARE day at Christchurch Mansion today. What an incredible experience!

Wednesday 23 November 2016

St. Helen's Headteacher Recruitment - Closing date 28/11/16

Are you an exceptional leader looking for your next exciting challenge?
Our successful Multi Academy Trust (MAT) is about to expand and the current Headteacher is taking the lead role in the Trust.  
This means that we are looking for a new Headteacher for St. Helen’s to take the lead school in the Trust to its next stage.  You will need to be innovative, forward-thinking, focused on excellence and share our drive and determination to provide the best possible education for each individual child in the school.  Joining our team, you will benefit from the support of the Trust and be part of our shared journey towards creating a dynamic network of schools in Suffolk focused on transformation and creative pedagogy.  
St. Helen’s has committed, hard-working and inspirational teachers and a strong leadership structure with a commitment to developing people, employing graduate interns, training teachers and spotting potential.  The school serves a richly diverse community in the centre of Ipswich and celebrates the aspirational attitudes and excellent behaviour for learning that children exhibit in school.  
We encourage you to visit us.  Please arrange a visit and a discussion with Clare Flintoff, Executive Principal by contacting Suzanne Wilder, Executive Assistant or by telephoning the school.  Please visit our website for further details.

All parents/carers are welcome to join us at Christchurch Mansion for our exciting SHARE day tomorrow

Specific timings for your child's class as follows:
9:30 Bees
11:00 Bats
12:30 Chameleons
14:00 Frogs

Friday 18 November 2016

Monday 14 November 2016

120 writers inspired by a Picasso painting

Rainforest Phase Big Write.

St. Helen's Eco/Farm Club's Switch off Fortnight Campaign

Today is the launch of 'Switch off Fortnight' which is undertaken each year by many schools taking part in the Eco Schools scheme. The aim of the campaign is to reduce energy usage in school whilst increasing awareness of the importance of saving energy.