Thursday 15 October 2015

A Busy Week of Sporting Competition

It has been a busy week of sporting competition at St Helen's. On Wednesday two teams of year 5 and 6 children represented the school at a Tag Rugby tournament. It was a terrific day and even the wind and the rain could not marr the children's enthusiasm. Both teams played brilliantly with the B team running in an impressive tally of sixteen tries in their matches. Both leagues were really closely fought and in the end it came down to just one match that decided both leagues. The B team finished level on points and were second by just one try whilst the A team ran out comfortable winners against two teams but came unstuck against our nemesis Sidegate who were the eventual winners.
However, we had no time to feel sorry for ourselves as it was straight into the first ever IPSSA boys' football tournament up at Whitton Sports centre. Speaking with Mr Page this evening, the team did brilliantly remaining unbeaten throughout the tournament and finishing third in their league.  There will be more details of both competitions on our Sport's Desk pages over the next few days as well as some photos.

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