Monday 16 November 2020

Year 4's retelling of The Singing Ringing Tree

 Here we will attach sections from the Singing Ringing Tree retelling. 

They are written by Kenneth, Daniel, Charlie, Summer and Asa. 

It may not be all of it and the children are in different stages of drafting but what an effort they have made. 

Well done to them and to everybody who retold this part of the story.

LO: to draft and edit a retelling of the Singing Ringing Tree (Kenneth)

There was an eye-catching princess with eyes as dark as the void and hair going down her neck like a slithering snake.

 She took it for granted that everybody wanted to marry her. But that made her greedy, picky and selfish. There was one prince that wouldn't give up. He came to her home and offered pearls. She rolled her eyes as she explained she already has pearls.

She wanted him to get the Singing Ringing Tree. The prince had heard about the Singing Ringing Tree. He knew it was nearly impossible to find. He didn't give up so he saddled his trusty steed and rode like the wind.

Worried, shocked, annoyed, he got on the back of his noble horse and set off on his journey to find the Singing Ringing Tree.

LO: to draft and edit a retelling of the Singing Ringing Tree (Daniel)

He rode for three days and three nights and eventually he reached the Singing Ringing Tree.

He was really hungry but the amazing, breathtaking view from the Singing Ringing Tree took the hunger away, like a gust of wind taking leaves off  a tree. But, he heard a rustle in the bushes and out jumped a goblin! The goblin had long, wiry hair and teeth like daggers and started doing a funny little dance around the prince's legs. The prince knew this was going to be a long day.

LO: to draft and edit a retelling of the Singing Ringing Tree (Charlie)

There was once a princess with long dark hair. Whoever she met immediately fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. She also had smooth, dark skin.

One lovely day, a bearded prince was  riding his horse along when he saw the beautiful princess standing. He halted and immediately asked to marry her but she simply turned the proposal down. As well as marriage he offered pearls, but still she refused  and she said “I want The singing ringing Tree”. 

The next day, the bearded prince set off on a rocky trail  to  retrieve The Singing Ringing Tree and he said “this is easier than I thought it would Be” and kept on riding his matt black horse until finally he saw the singing ringing Tree. He said “Finally” with a sigh and he dismounted his  horse and ran towards the tree when suddenly with a nasty snarl a little goblin poked his head out of a bush because he thought he heard something.

LO: to draft and edit a retelling of the Singing Ringing Tree (Summer)

Not all of the princes gave up though, one kind prince took his chances and asked her again. He was so kind he even asked if he could offer some pearls but the egocentic princess did not accept the generous and super rare offer but demanded him to get the Singing Ringing Tree. She even yelled GET ME THE SINGING RINGING TREE! NOW!

The prince glanced around looking for help. Unfortunately, there was no help so he sighed and set off on his horse and rode off into the distance when he noticed he was looking back at the princess so he tapped his horse to make it go faster.

Worried, frightened, scared he thought about marrying the princess and her beautiful  outside and her selfish inside. Then he took his mind off the pretty yet spoiled princess and focused more on getting the Singing Ringing Tree.

LO: to draft and edit a retelling of the Singing Ringing Tree (Asa)

Once upon a time there was once a beautiful princess, who was very selfish but when everybody just took a little glance at her they immediately fell in love but she denied  all of the offers of marriage.  

But there was a prince who never gave up one time the prince brought some beautiful pearls to the  princess the pearls were as good looking as a rose but the princess still said no but she demanded the prince to get her the magical singing ringing tree 

So the prince set of on a very long journey it took the prince 3 days and 3 nights to get there. But he was successful as soon as he saw the singing ringing tree he was astonished but before he could lay one finger on the magical tree a scary goblin came the goblin was prowling around the prince’s feet like a cat who likes you the goblin had eyes as bright as the sun and teeth as sharp as a vampires fangs and he also had hair as rough as a pirates wooden leg. The prince was petrified.    

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Our new topic is off to a delicious but educational start...Y4/3

Children were learning how to be patient, delicate and careful when removing chocolate chips from a cookie just like a palaeontologist would be when removing fossils from the ground. 

Now we know how we know so much about dinosaurs that lived millions of years before any boy or girl ever did.