Tuesday 29 September 2020

 Mrs Merchant shared this fantastic poem written by Fruitbats on a social media platform and not only received praise from published poet Philip Gross who wrote 'A kaleidoscopic poem - all those bright glimpses swirling around each other, like a flock of birds... Fantastic!' but also had the poem retweeted by Pie Corbett a well known and published poet, storyteller and lead educator of teachers. Well done! I am nowhere near as famous but I think it is amazing and I love the second verse.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Maths in the Ocean Phase

We have been checking basic number knowledge and quick calculation skills. Practising these, and other concepts like quickly adding 2, 10, etc can really benefit your child's learning.

There may be some gaps in learning since we've been away.

You may see sheets like this coming home ...

Thursday 17 September 2020

Learning about teeth...

Today in year four, we learnt about the different names for teeth. We discussed and labelled a diagram before modelling the shapes of teeth with salt dough too!

Thursday 10 September 2020