Friday 27 September 2019

Creativity in Dance

Year 6 children worked on dance sequences inspired by images and stories from The Blitz. The outcomes were amazing - in particular, we worked on trust, performance and facial expression. 

Pool Opening

At last the pool has been opened.  A big thank you to Jan Parry our Mayor for opening the pool and an even bigger thank you to Mrs Howe, Mr Cannam and Mr Schumann for getting it ready.  But the biggest thank you has to go to the Friends of St Helen's, lead by Mrs Lobley, for the amazing fundraising they did to make this day possible.  Thank you from all the children.

Hello, Hello The Police were in.

We were visited by PC Gary and PC Dom today who have started a project with St Helen's and 5 other primary schools to raise their profile in the area and to help children understand that the police are there to help and support.
They were very popular with the younger children at lunchtime and both joined Year 4 for lessons this afternoon.  They will become regular faces around the school as we continue to build relationships.

Monday 9 September 2019

A little bit of team bonding

Forty four pupils and four teachers venture off to Bawdsy Manor for an exciting three days of physically and mentally challenging fun as they get to know each other better.  They were really excited when they left and arrived safely.  Even the drizzle won't dampen their spirits - can't wait to join you tomorrow!

Friday 6 September 2019

Another new Arrival

We are very pleased to announce the safe arrival of Mia Moseley born on the 4th September.  All doing well.  Congratulations Mrs M.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

What a lovely day!

When I woke this morning I had lots of butterflies in my stomach, just like some of the children and parents.  I know our school is great but all teachers have 'that dream' before the start of term- the dream where everything goes wrong. Apart from a small issue with ASC I am delighted to say we had a wonderful first day.  We have a fantastic school community and it was lovely catching up with the childrens' lives and seeing those smiling faces.  Parents just so you know we think your children have been AMAZING today and we know that this year is going to be the best yet. Thank you!

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Year 7 Good Luck

A quick message to all last year's Year 6 pupils as they begin high school: Which ever school you are starting at remember just three things - 1.You are an amazing and unique individual who is more special than you realise, 2. You do not have to change for anyone, as true friends love you for being you, and finally 3. You will always be part of the St Helen's family and we are proud of all you have achieved and are destined to achieve- Never forget that you have people here who care about you and if you ever need us, we are here - you are never alone. Now go and show that new school just what St Helen's kids can do. Good luck.