Thursday 21 March 2019

Year 1 and 2 had a fantastic Share morning with family and friends. We were busy creating castles. We have made them all from recycled boxes, bottles, pots and more. The castles that were created were amazing! Here are just a few of the castles that were made.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Vacancies @ St Helen's

Please spread the word, as we are recruiting the following:
For immediate start: Senior Midday Supervisor
For immediate start: Learning Support Assistant for 1:1 child with ASD
For September start: Two Phase Leader Secondments or one year fixed term posts.
Details on schools Recruitment page of the website

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Book Mastermind

Well done to Jiya, Edith and Alfie this morning.  They were exceptionally well behaved and also answered their category with confidence.  Unfortunately, everyone at the event was amazing, so we didn't take the big shiny cup home this year (it's gone to Mr Parfitt's School)

However, our finalists deserve a congratulations regardless. Well done!

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Mrs Clarke's EAL Group

Lots of Playdough! Pink chocolate bars, stars with letters for Mrs Gibbons, a lego world by two pupils and what I couldn't take was a picture of two boys role playing all session long with their lego models and talking to each other the entire time! There was so much to celebrate in the group as a whole - lots of co-operation, manners, turn taking, listening - all in all a lot of good conversation skills! Well done - very proud!

Thursday 7 March 2019

World Book Day

The children looked amazing today in all of their costumes, hopefully the day will bring lots of fun as well as promote reading.  Last evening of the book far this evening, so pop along and see what is on offer.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Day at the Zoo

A day late, but a huge well done for the pupils in Rainforest Phase after their trip to Colchester Zoo.  All of the children enjoyed their visit, learned lots (including some bad jokes) and represented their school well.  A big thank you to all the staff for organising this trip as some of our pupils have never been to a zoo before.

Arts Awards from Trinity College, London.

Fantastic achievement by this group of Year 6 pupils, who all gained an Arts Award from Trinity College after their follow up work on the Christchurch Mansion SHARE. Wonder if any gain certificates for anything else from Trinity College in future years? Anything is possible for St.Helen's pupils.