Tuesday 3 December 2019

Year 2 Theatre Trip

Year 2 had an amazing afternoon at The Wolsey Studio watching Arthur's Dreamboat. We looked at some of the brilliant oracy skills which were used and hope to recreate these in our KS1 production next week! They thoroughly enjoyed the show and their behaviour and conduct was impeccable.  Well done, Year 2!

Sunday 1 December 2019

'Shape Disco' - year 6 workshop with Mr Budd

Some pupils learned about organising quadrilaterals according to their properties. Which made the VIP lounge? 

Friday 29 November 2019

Ocean phase sketching

Experimenting with different pencils and different shading techniques. Slowly we build towards a final peice. 

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Police in the community

PC Gary came into the PSHE lesson with Shark class to help us learn about collaboration.

Suffolk Libraries Trip Y4

Around 20 extra Suffolk Library Card holders sorted through our trip to the Northgate Street Library. We look forward to hearing about the children's experiences there outside of school.

Friday 15 November 2019

Ocean Oracy SHARE. Pupils of Poppies and Poetry.

Be confident. We are very proud. 
Thanks to all that assisted and to all that remember. 

Thursday 14 November 2019

Futsal Tournament

Excellent effort! Our girls have never played a game of Futsal in their lives but they had a go this afternoon.  Lost 2, drew 2 and one player received the fair play award - well done girls.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Rainforest SHARE... 'If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror!'

RAINFOREST SHARE - Computing, E Safety, Social Media and Self Esteem

Parents, carers and children in years 5 and 6 enjoyed an informative SHARE morning. The overall message? To keep channels of communication open, think aspirationally in computing and know that everyone has strengths and positives. 

Thursday 7 November 2019

Football at Portman Road

Tonight we played our match against St Matthew's.  We didn't win, but we have improved.  Great goal by this young man and fantastic sportsmanship.

Monday 28 October 2019

Teachers as learners - Amazing Art Day

Today's training for teachers saw them learning more about painting and 3D art work.  Some amazing work will be put up for all the children to see and hopefully soon the children will be able to add to our gallery.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

bar models in maths

Bar modelling is useful when demonstrating our problems in Y4 maths.

Chess club

The children are getting strategic at after school chess club.

algorithms Y4

The children in Y4 have been following and writing algorithms. The algorithms make them draw a pattern or shape. This will lead onto further programming soon.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Hello Yellow - World Mental Health Day success!

The school was awash with yellow today and really cheered me up.  Lots of the children found out a little more about mental health and Turtle Class even had a session at The Quay - check out Look East this evening.  And on top of that some delicious cakes.
Very pleased to announce we raised £387 for Young Minds.  Well done!

Thursday 3 October 2019

Sad News - Thoughts are with Matt Bayfield's family - What an inspiration!

Two years ago, amazing local musician, Matt Bayfield, visited the school and spoke to the children about his battle with 'Brian' the brain tumour. He highlighted to the children the need to be positive and enjoy opportunities before finishing with a song.  Today the East Anglian published news about his passing.  Positive to the end, this man was amazing. Rest in peace, Matt.

Friday 27 September 2019

Creativity in Dance

Year 6 children worked on dance sequences inspired by images and stories from The Blitz. The outcomes were amazing - in particular, we worked on trust, performance and facial expression. 

Pool Opening

At last the pool has been opened.  A big thank you to Jan Parry our Mayor for opening the pool and an even bigger thank you to Mrs Howe, Mr Cannam and Mr Schumann for getting it ready.  But the biggest thank you has to go to the Friends of St Helen's, lead by Mrs Lobley, for the amazing fundraising they did to make this day possible.  Thank you from all the children.

Hello, Hello The Police were in.

We were visited by PC Gary and PC Dom today who have started a project with St Helen's and 5 other primary schools to raise their profile in the area and to help children understand that the police are there to help and support.
They were very popular with the younger children at lunchtime and both joined Year 4 for lessons this afternoon.  They will become regular faces around the school as we continue to build relationships.

Monday 9 September 2019

A little bit of team bonding

Forty four pupils and four teachers venture off to Bawdsy Manor for an exciting three days of physically and mentally challenging fun as they get to know each other better.  They were really excited when they left and arrived safely.  Even the drizzle won't dampen their spirits - can't wait to join you tomorrow!

Friday 6 September 2019

Another new Arrival

We are very pleased to announce the safe arrival of Mia Moseley born on the 4th September.  All doing well.  Congratulations Mrs M.