Wednesday 19 December 2018

Goodbye Mr Parfitt from Lorna S (parent)

I would like to send out a massive thank you out to the Hummingbird parents for their support and donations towards a personal project ive been working on for the past 2-3wks.

Sadly Mr Parfitt, had his last day teaching reception today, but due to your huge generousity we've been able to give him a lovely send off with not just one but several hand crafted gifts.  

I must apologise as none of you have been able to see them before being presented to Mr Pafitt, but below are some photos of the Lantern i ordered and the 2 extra frames i was able to make.

Also big thanks goes to Mrs Wozniak and the staff for keeping the secret, and working covertly to photograph the class.

He will be missed and wished him well in his new headship at Stutton Primary.


Wednesday 5 December 2018

Phases of the moon

Keep an eye out with your families so you can record the phases of the moon. Year 5 bees need to bring back their Moon sheets on the first day back in January.