Wednesday 19 December 2018

Goodbye Mr Parfitt from Lorna S (parent)

I would like to send out a massive thank you out to the Hummingbird parents for their support and donations towards a personal project ive been working on for the past 2-3wks.

Sadly Mr Parfitt, had his last day teaching reception today, but due to your huge generousity we've been able to give him a lovely send off with not just one but several hand crafted gifts.  

I must apologise as none of you have been able to see them before being presented to Mr Pafitt, but below are some photos of the Lantern i ordered and the 2 extra frames i was able to make.

Also big thanks goes to Mrs Wozniak and the staff for keeping the secret, and working covertly to photograph the class.

He will be missed and wished him well in his new headship at Stutton Primary.


Wednesday 5 December 2018

Phases of the moon

Keep an eye out with your families so you can record the phases of the moon. Year 5 bees need to bring back their Moon sheets on the first day back in January.

Friday 30 November 2018

A bourbon Stonehenge!

Year 3 have been learning about Stonehenge from their ‘Rock of Ages’ topic. They carefully built the 'Bourbonhenge' and then sketched what they could see from their perspective. The children were then allowed to eat the biscuits they had touched after. Bourbonhenge became ruins in seconds!

Wednesday 28 November 2018

School Record for Year 6 Pupil

It is lovely to see any child who is sent to me to show their excellent work, but today I received a double whammy when one of Mrs Merchant's class came to see me with not one, but two pieces of excellent work! An amazing artist and writer.  Very impressed.

Friday 23 November 2018

Stylish swimmers today!

Computing at St Helen's

Year 6 made maths games for year 2 children, using conditional formatting in a spreadsheet. The Year 2 children really enjoyed playing them. 

Tuesday 20 November 2018

The Chameleons were making arrays to help them determine if certain numbers are prime numbers.

Friday 16 November 2018

Tudor Takeover at Christchurch Mansion

Children from years 5 and 6 had a fantastic day, working on their oracy skills and exhibiting their best work in three rooms at Christchurch Mansion - it was a goodly day! Well, maybe not for Yorick! 

Thursday 15 November 2018

Tudors in the Office

The office ladies were so keen to be part of tomorrow's fantastic Year 5 and 6 SHARE event they couldn't help trying Mrs Hodgetts costume on.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Do you believe in Magic?

This afternoon pupils in the main school were treated to a special taster magic show by local magician Lee of UnbeLEEvable Parties.  They had a fantastic time and the balloon animal prizes definitely went down well.  Thank you Lee, we will be booking you again!

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Welcome to Nursery

We would like to welcome all of our new children to Nursery this week.  Mrs Wiseman has worked really hard setting up an exciting new environment and I think you will agree it looks amazing - I may even venture in for a pretend ice cream!

Monday 23 July 2018

Year 6 Pay it back!

From this this!
Year 6 have done an amazing job this morning transforming some of the tired old woodwork in the Early Years area into a place the children will love.  I have a sneaky suspicion that the children may have worn just as much paint as the wood, but they all got stuck in.  Well done!

Thank you, Fabi's mum

Huge thank you to Fabi's mum for the delicious cream covered cake - the staff feel rather full and we ended up sharing with year 6 after all.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Well Done Year 6!

The Year 6 SAT results came back today and, if our figures correct, the children and staff at the school have done an amazing job. We are either at or above national in all areas!

% of pupils meeting expected standard: school (2018)
% of pupils meeting expected standard: nationally (2018)

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Forget the football - We are the winners!

Tonight I had the great pleasure of accompanying 5 of our own to the ASSET Awards night.  They did us proud gaining awards for Music, Performing Arts, Oracy, Languages and Engagement.  Well done to all of you, you deserved recognition.  We are all very proud of you!

Sunday 1 July 2018

Fundraising update

Members of the PTA have been counting yesterday's takings and have an Interim total (they still have a few bits of income and expenditure to come) and the total is a fantastic £2500, including a generous donation by a Mr Wilson (former parent of a child at school here a fair few decades ago), but not including the money donated by Town 102.
Such an amazing turn out.  Huge thanks to all who took part. x 

Saturday 30 June 2018

International Day Success!

A huge thanks to the PTA, parents, children and supporters for making our International Day such a huge success.  Mr Jarvis and I are so proud to be the Head and Deputy of this school, where you all work and play so well with each other.  Just a few pictures from the day. If anyone has any more that capture the day please add them to the Friends of St Helen's Facebook page.  Now all helpers go home and rest.
