Friday 22 September 2017

International Day of Peace 21st September

In Monday's assembly, the children discussed International Peace Day.  All of the children wanted to mark this important day in some way. The children came up with some fantastic ideas.  On the 21st, they sang a song about peace in assembly; some pupils read a poem of peace to the KS2 children; Miss Benjamin and some of the children planted bulbs in our planters to create peace gardens and our children posed for a Peace photograph.  Well done St.Helen's, hopefully one day every day will be a day of peace across our world.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Year 6 children enjoyed a textiles workshop with spinning and a sheepdog!

Inspirational Visitor

Key Stage 2 children were treated to a visit from local singer Matt Bayfield yesterday, who shared his inspirational story and a song.  Matt was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour in December 2012 .  Last January, he embarked on a 'Walk and Talk' fundraising challenge to raise £1000.  He started on January 1st with approximately 15 people joining him on a countryside walk.  He walked every day in January, no matter the weather.  By the end of the month he appeared at Glemham Hall to be met by 540 walkers, including Mrs Hodgetts, Ms Shete and Mrs Hancocks. The total raised in that month was a staggering £20,734.  The children were inspired by his moto 'Life is no rehearsal' and the message of always being the best person you can be.  The children joined him in a song about holidays 'Are we nearly there yet?'.  Matt has said he will return later in the year and we hope to join him on a walk next January.