Thursday 26 January 2017

Year 4 and Year 3 'Button Box' project film

If your local business is willing to support us financially, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the schools admin staff on and address it to the attention of Mrs Wyile and Miss Garnham
We look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks Mrs Wylie and Miss Garnham

Year 2 using Google Classroom

Mrs Philips was very proud of Year 2 using their skills to access Google classroom this week.

Friday 20 January 2017

Florence Nightingale visits Year 2

Florence Nightingale came to school today to answer questions from the Year 2 children.

Monday 16 January 2017

Year 4 ICT

Today, Year 4 were experimenting with patterns in ICT!

EADT LearningfromKenya initiative article

'Knowledge of the world is the best gift we can give our children'

Friday 13 January 2017

Break time fun in the snow!

St. Helen's children (and staff!) enjoying a fun-filled break time today...

Thursday 12 January 2017

BT Co-space day update

Could this be the winning code?

St Helen's children participate in advanced BT Co-space day

After our stunning victory in November, we are today involved in the more advanced BT Co-space day.

Monday 9 January 2017


Please be aware that there are no clubs this week. All clubs will commence next week.

Friday 6 January 2017

Years 3 and 4 Viking visit

Years 3 and 4 were shocked to see a Viking visitor this morning. He told us about his life and a fantastic Viking story. Later in the day the children went on to write newspaper reports about their experience.