Monday 31 October 2016

Today year 5 were practicing their reading skills with audiobooks.

To get really into this retelling of Macbeth, we hid under the tables and closed our eyes! Teachers can't help themselves either!

PTA meeting this Thursday at 3:30

Just a reminder that we will he holding a PTA meeting in the School Hall on Thursday 3rd November at 3:30. All welcome.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Maureen Voller leaves St. Helen's after 44 years

Today we say a final farewell to Maureen Voller, who has been a Midday Supervisor at St. Helen's for 44 years.  Yesterday’s celebration was enjoyed by all and Mrs Voller was overwhelmed by the love shown by our entire school community.  She was awarded a trophy in recognition of her hard work and service by the Mayor and Mrs Flintoff presented her with a bouquet of flowers and the announcement that the school canteen will now be known as ‘Voller Hall’.  Thank you for all of your contributions, all monies have gone towards holiday coach travel vouchers for Mrs Voller to enjoy her freedom by visiting various sights and building memories.  We would like to thank Maureen once again for all her time at the school.

Year 5 Tudor dancing

Year 5 Tudor dancing is getting extremely good now. If only we had a place to perform...More news to follow.

Friday 14 October 2016

Tree Frogs thoroughly enjoy author visit and workshop today

Gou Yue and Clare Farrow came into school today to talk to the Tree Frogs about their wonderful book: Little Leap Forward. It is the story of Guo You's childhood in China. The children also took part in a workshop where they made basic kites to improve on at home.

Eco/farming club create ivy filled vertical gardens!

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Welcome to Mrs Long's Book Swap Shop

Mrs Long's Book Swap Shop is now open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. With permission from a grown-up, take along any unwanted children's book, with all its pages, and swap it for another one.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

It's been a busy day in Year 6...

...high-quality writing, inspired by The Tempest, and ratio necklaces in maths. 

Friday 7 October 2016

Utter nonsense in Year 4

Today, year 4 indulged in some drama and utter nonsense! We looked at several Roald Dahl nonsense verse poems and did some acting out and peer critiquing. They were full of utter nonsense!

Attention Nursery and Reception Parents!

Thank you for those who have signed up to Tapestry Journal following the activation link's sent home to you. We have now activated all the accounts and linked your children to them. If you haven't been able to activate or are having any other issues regarding Tapestry please e-mail FAO Dale Collins

Many Thanks

Year 4 at Ipswich Museum and making woolly mammoths!

The year 4s have been busy creating their very own woolly mammoth!

Thursday 6 October 2016

Lion Class at Banham Zoo

Lion class had a fascinating day at Banham Zoo yesterday and were brave enough to even handle some of the Zoo's residents!

Giraffe Class at Banham Zoo

Giraffe Class had an exciting day at Banham Zoo yesterday. It truly was a hands-on experience!

Monday 3 October 2016

120 free copies of the novel 'Little Leap Forward'

120 free copies of the novel 'Little Leap Forward', set in Beijing, were delivered last week! Thanks to The Children's Book Show' and their generosity. We can't wait until the theatre trip now! 

Year 6 bring history to life

King Henry wants a divorce. Catherine of Aragon is not amused and Cardinal Wolsey does not know what to do!

Saturday 1 October 2016

Trust Finance Officer

Do you have an accountancy qualification?  Ipswich Primary Academies Trust is looking for a Finance Officer to join our team.  For more information please click here