Monday 29 February 2016

Getting to grips with quadrilaterals

Children from Mrs Merchant's maths group  got to grips with quadrilaterals today, finding missing angles and expressing perimeters using algebra. One girl covered her table in formulae!

Year 4 Wind in the Willows

Starting to work on what our characters for Wind in the Willows will look like!

Reception trip to Alexandra Park

The children had a lovely, if slightly chilly, afternoon at Alexandra Park. Our purpose was to look for signs of spring, which we did, spotting daffodils and crocuses and also use the playground apparatus to develop our climbing skills. Our theme this week has been 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and we appear to have a few 'Jacks' in our midst but fortunately no obvious giants.

Reception Swimming

The reception children had their first experience of swimming last week. Swimming at the school was introduced to reception children for the first time last year but this year the swimming lessons are starting even earlier in the year. The children were really excited about the whole experience and have been asking teachers all week how long it is before they go swimming.

A big thank-you to all the parents who help out - without your support we could not provide this important life skill for the children.

Travelling Book Fair - this week!

The Travelling Book Fair visits St Helen's on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in the downstairs hall. Use your World Book Day token to scoop a bargain! 

Friday 26 February 2016

Year 5 Darts and Arts

Year 5 have been playing darts to improve their calculation skills and looking at other artists such as Monet to inspire their own rainforest paintings.

Exciting story telling in Year 6 today!

The Bat Class heard the story of The Old Woman and the Red Pumpkin from Bangladesh. They are learning what it takes to be great storytellers and then story writers. We hope the younger children in the school enjoy our finished versions!

Parent Forum Slides - Communication

Please see below link to the slides used to generate discussion at the Parent Forum this week. Many thanks to all of you who came along. The next forum will take place on 27th April at 9:00 and will look at some of our teaching strategies.

Parent Forum Slides

Reception, Years 3&4 BLOGGING WEEK 29th February- 4th March

Parents and family, whether here or abroad, are invited to share a few days at school with us by joining us for blogging week. This means that you can see what your child is doing in class, so please share your log in details with family.  In class we will be monitoring all the places in the world that our blog has reached, which is good for our geography as well!

Thursday 25 February 2016

Healthy Recipes Project

School Council are collecting healthy recipes to create a healthy eating recipe book later on in the year. Please can you give these to your child to pass onto the school councillor in your class or alternatively e-mail them to

Many Thanks

The SHEEP (St. Helen's Healthy Eating and Exercise Project) Team

Wednesday 24 February 2016

World Book Day

Please remember that it is World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March and that we would like children to bring in one or two objects that rhyme, for example -  'a red ted' or 'a spoon and a balloon.' Thank you.

Monday 22 February 2016

Parent Forum

The Parents' Forum is taking place tomorrow at 09.00. The focus of the forum tomorrow is communication.

Books in the Bat Cave- Cancelled Tuesday 23rd February

There will be no Books in the Bat Cave Club tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd February) as Mrs Merchant is unwell. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Year 1 Share

Year 1 are enjoying a successful Computing Share afternoon, including Phonics games, Beebots, Bug Club and Education City.

Friday 12 February 2016

Half term holiday

We hope you have a restful half term holiday and look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 22nd February.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

School Gateway

On Wednesday 17th February School Comms will be carrying out routine maintenance on our servers.
School Gateway will be temporarily unavailable for approximately two hours from 4pm. 

Year 6 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Practice

Please find the below link for Year 6 to access additional Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar activities

Link to Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar activities

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Ipswich Primary Academies Trust

Please take a look at our academy website ( for further information about our academy trust.

Bendy Men Grammar

Yesterday Year 6 were using bendy men to assist them with their grammar skills!