Monday 21 September 2015


Please join us on Tuesday 29th September 7pm (Downstairs Hall) for the PTA'S AGM to see the Chairs and Treasurers report of last year's fundraising achievements and to elect this years PTA committee. This meeting is a great way of finding out not only what the PTA does but also includes  a Headteachers report on new initiatives and developments happening within the school. We will also decide on what to fundraise for in the coming year and how to support school events. Everyone is welcome. 

We look forward to seeing you.
Jo and Catriona

Friday 18 September 2015

National Poetry Trust - Young Poets' Competition

Amazing news! Out of 1695 entries, four of our young writers from the Rainforest Phase have won awards in this year's Young Poets' Competition.  Part of their prize is to attend a 90 minute workshop with renowned poets. They then celebrate their success at Snape Maltings on 6th November in a special family reading and awards ceremony. Well done, Alec McNab, Matthew Frost, Sinead Versey and Rebeca Stoica! 

Mr Southgate and Mrs Merchant

What does St Helen's mean to you?

At St Helen's Primary School we asked our children "What does St Helen's mean to you?". Look on the front page of our website to see the video to find out  what they said!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Record breaking number of children attend St. Helen's Book Club!

The Harry Potter book club has been sensational this term! Numbers have increased from 20 children last year to a whopping 43 children this year which is a record for St. Helen’s!

At last week’s club, children broke into five groups in the upstairs hall, music playing from the film, all adults dressed up, reading and discussing the first chapter. Many of the children have seen the film so the group did a comparison.
The energy was fantastic and everyone had such good fun!

Friday 11 September 2015

Reception Parents!

As part of our topic next week from the 14th September we will be learning about our families. We would like the children to bring in a copy or photograph of their family. This will really help the children have confidence to talk and discuss their family. Please be aware that original copies could get damaged. Alternatively you could email a copy to the school so we can print it out. Our email address is

Mr Parfitt, Miss Tempest and Miss Howe

Saturday 5 September 2015

Summer Holiday Reading Challenge Awards Ceremony

Well done to all of our pupils completing the six book challenge - every single year group was represented at the certificate ceremony,  from nursery to year 6! 

Thursday 3 September 2015

Welcome back!

It is great to have the children back at school!  Please see our newsletter - sent home today- for information about the first meetings with teachers in the next week.