Monday 29 June 2015

TT Rockstars

As you know, we have been improving our instant recall of multiplication and division facts using an online program named TTRockstars.  On 26th June we held an assembly to celebrate our children that reached incredible heights- in excess of 60 questions in one minute!  Make sure you have a try, if you haven't already! 

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Our Picasso art work spotted at Ipswich Hospital today...

Money Wave

In Year 3 we used the money raised for water aid to create a money wave. A grand total of £83.23 was raised!

                                       Inline images 2

WaterAid update

Image result for wateraidWaterAid have recently sent us an update on the projects we have been helping them to support. This can be found by clicking the following link:

Water Aid Link

Friday 5 June 2015

Change of Rainforest phase blogging week

Please note that there has been a change to the Rainforest phase blogging week. It will now take place on Wednesday 15th July until Monday 20th July due to technical issues and support.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Kate Greenaway Book Award

Northgate pupils worked with some of our year 6 children to shadow The Kate Greenaway Book Award.  Which one will be our winner?