Tuesday 12 May 2015

Piper's Vale Gymnastics competition

On Friday 8th May 24 gymnasts from Years 2,3 and 4 took part in a competition at Piper's Vale Gymnastic Club.
The children showed resilience, determination and good sportsmanship.
Well done everyone!

Congratulations to the parents who passed their City and Guilds in numeracy

Following the success of the 'Keeping up with the Children (Maths)' course run by Realise Futures last term, eight parents passed their City and Guilds in numeracy. This is a fantastic achievement and we are proud to have been able to facilitate this course in school.
There are still spaces to attend the 'Keeping up with the Children (English) course this term if you would like to attend. Please let the office know if you would like to join in. There are two classes running on a Monday and a Wednesday 12:45 - 1:15 in school.

Friday 8 May 2015

St Helen's School Council election

Today as a whole school we streamed the School Council team counting the votes into each classroom. We are all eagerly anticipating the results of this election which will be announced in assembly later this afternoon.

Reception fire service visit

There was much excitement yesterday when the children in Reception received a visit from the local fire service as part of their 'people who help us' topic. A talk in the classroom, followed by a tour of the fire appliance was topped by the opportunity to get 'hands on' experience of using a hose.

Thursday 7 May 2015

St. Helen's Primary School has been a hive of election activity today!

Not only have the general public been voting at the School's polling station but also the St. Helen's children have been voting in an election for their new School Councillors. The school hall was set up as an official polling station and children voted in exactly the same way as they would in a general election using voting cards and ballot boxes.

Existing school Councillors will count the votes on Friday and the returning officer (Mr Jarvis) will announce the results in Friday's assembly.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Big Window Theatre Company Visit

The Big Window Theatre Company came to perform 'One Finger One Thumb' to nursery and reception. It was a really exciting and interactive show. The children were able to sing and dance along to the show. Each child was given a peg to make their own baby small peg person!